INDISPUTABLE FACTS · The Greek people can be traced back to 3000 B.C.
· The Greek language use an alphanumerics system for its alphabet.( Hebrews also ) · Every Greek letter or word has a numeric value.
. The first Greek letter is Alpha, its' numeric value is 1 · The last Greek letter is Omega, its' numeric value is 800 · The Telephone Industry ( The Bell System ) started Toll-Free service in 1966. · The first Toll-Free area code is. · The second Toll-Free area code begin in 1996 ( thirty years later). · The second Toll-Free area code is
. · The Greek word for Lord is :
, its numerical value is 8 0 0
· kappa=20, upsilon=400, rho=100,iota=10,omicron=70, sigma=200 · The Greek word for Jesus is :
, its numerical value is 8 8 8
· iota=10,eta=8,sigma=200,omicron=70,upsilon=400, sigma=200 ,
[ three different sysmbols are used to represent Sigma ]ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE · By one man sin entered the world. thus all enter the world as sinners. [Romans 5:12]
· Sin separates man from God. [ Romans 3:23 ]
· God provided a way for man to come back to him. [ Romans 6:23 ]
· God's way for man return to him is through his Son, Lord Jesus. [John 3:16 ]
· Our loving God provided this way to him for all sinners. [ Romans 5:8 ]
· Jesus is the only way to the Father. [ John 14:6 ]
· Jesus is only one that can save man. [ Acts 4:12 ]
· Salvation is a free gift from Jehovah God, our Father
(a) Ephesians 2:8 " is the gift of God "
(b) Romans 5:15 " .the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus "
(c) Romans 6:23 " .the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus "
. Jesus said at Revelation 1: 11 " I am [ 1 ] Alpha and [ 800 ]Omega . ." SUMMARY · Because Adam sinned man became separated from God and was headed for eternal death.
[ Romans 3:23 , 5:12 ]
· God showed His love for man by allowing His Son to die for man.
[ John 3:16, Romans 5:8 ]
· By giving His Son Jesus, Jesus bridged the gap between Jehovah God and man with His death.
[ John 14:6 ]
· We cannot earn passage, salvation is free. [ Ephesians 2:9 ]
· Since this is a free gift,"Lord Jesus is the Toll-Free Bridge
over sin that separated man from Jehovah God."
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Toll-Free Bridge to God