Thursday September 26, 1996 as I made my exit from the subway
towards by bus, a book caught my eye. The title of the book was,
" The Signs of the Times". I picked it up and thumbed
through it. I put it down and continued to my bus stop. While
riding the bus, my mind went back to the month of February. I
have learned to be observant when a person cross my path. I
always wonder, what am I to share with them that might aid them
on their life journey path. And of course what am I to learn from
them, as I search for meaning on this narrow road I travel. With
the word of God providing a lamp to my feet and a light to my
path, I know that He will lead me in the right direction.
During the month of February I met three interesting women. I
had called the first woman concerning a mechanical problem she
wanted me to solve for her. In the course of our conversation I
was surprised when I asked her her country of origin, the answer
came to my mind instantly. The year also flashed into my mind,
when I asked her when she came to the United States. She asked
what else did I know, I said never mind and changed the
conversation. I solved a very minor problem she had. Our contact
was the beginning of a path that would lead me to some very
interesting information.
The second woman crossed my path while I was riding a bus
home. I noticed that she was looking over my shoulder as I was
reading my small pocket Bible. I asked her if she could see, she
assured me that she could. This was strange to me, I thought that
she would be embarrassed and would took away. When I finished
reading, I held the Bible closer to her until she finish reading.
I asked her if she was a Christian. She affirmed that she was,
and that both she and her husband were saved. As my stop was
coming up soon I told her that next month would be an exciting
announcement, but many would not notice. She got off with me
before her stop, as we continue to talk. We exchanged names as we
walked in opposite directions, we live on the same street, but
different blocks.
About seven days later as I was relaxing, the third woman
called me on the telephone. She told me her first and last name.
As she continued her sales pitch, I knew that she did not call to
sell anything when she told me what she was selling. I told her
this, since it would be a conflict of interest. I told her that
that the real reason she had called was for me tell her that God
loves her and wanted her to become closer to him. The Master of
the universe was directing me to some fascinating information.
The one thing these three woman had in common was their first
name. I began to think, what was God trying to tell me. I looked
in my encyclopedia and came across an historical figure with a
similar name. I was lead to Emperor Charlemane, a man that Pope
Leo III crowned the Emperor of Roman in the year 800, on Christmas day. This was the
beginning of the Holy Roman Empire.
After researching the history of the Emperor Charlemane, Pope
Leo III and the Holy Roman Empire, I believe God was showing me
that the Antichrist will revive the Holy Roman Empire. I believe
that Satan will give this man (666) powers beyond any ordinary
human. He will do this because his time is running out. The time
had come for God to reveal the time that this Antichrist would be
empowered. Let me digress to the Roman numeral system to make my
point. The first six symbols of the Roman numeral system is as
Roman Numeral System
It is interesting that these first six (6) Roman (symbols)
numerals total 666 . In Revelation
we read, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and
his number is [ 600+20+20+20+6] six hundred threescore and
six". A score is 20, thus three score is 60. So the number
of the beast is (666) six hundred
and sixty-six. Another interesting fact is found in the sixth ( 6
) book, the sixth ( 6 ) chapter, the sixth ( 6 ) verse, the sixth
( 6 ) word of the New Testament. The word is "Man " .
The seven basic Roman numerals (symbols) include the symbol
"M", which equal to one (1000) thousand.
When we add this number to the other six we get a total of
When I discovered the year that God had revealed to me I was so excited that I called my daughter and a lady friend, I had to tell someone of this revelation. I explained to them how the year1999 came to me. The time was around 6:30 p.m. The next day I noticed something strange. This was confirmation of my revelation from the Creator.
I was in the variety store that I frequent when I noticed that
the New York State winning win- four number for thursday
September 26, 1996 was 1999. Getting
back to how this was revealed to me hours before the state made
its drawing. While riding the bus, I realized the deeper meaning
of the name ( Mims) of one of the three women that had crossed my
path in February. Using the Roman numeral system, if a lesser
number is behind a larger number, you subtract its value from the
larger number. In this case ( I M ) one is subtracted from one
thousand to produce 999. When the first M is added to I M the
total becomes ( 1000 + 999 ) 1999. But wait you might say, what
does the "S" symbolize? Well who is behind ( or in
front ) of the antichrist? Who gives the ( the beast [ 666 ] )
antichrist his power? Also what does the "S" look like?
Yes indeed, a ( serpent ) snake. We read in Genesis 3:1,NIV|KJV| "
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which
God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye
shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" He told the
first lie recorded in the Bible in Genesis 3;4, " And the
serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die". A
relationship between 1666 (total of the seven Roman numerals )
and the number 1999 can be seen if you turn either one upside
down. I cannot believe that God would keep His children in the
dark during these last days. So what must we do with this
information. Since no man knows the hour nor the day of our
Saviors return, Jesus warns us to watch and pray.
What do we watch? We should continue to read our Bibles and
watch world events and the signs of the times. In the book of
Mark Jesus tells us in chapter 13, verse 32, " But of that
day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in
heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." And in verse 33 we
read, " Take heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the
time is." And what are we to pray? In Luke 11:1 we read,
".....Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his
disciples." Luke 11:2NIV|KJV| reads, " ....When you pray,
say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth."
So we are to pray for God to set up His kingdom( take it from
Satan )on this earth as in heaven.
A few days after this revelation I noticed a book on my
bookshelf. I had purchased the book a few years ago. I had not
read it, so I scanned it and was amazed at what I saw. The book
was entitled, " Prophecy for the Millions" by Edward
Albertson. My local Library sold it for ten cent, to make room
for newer books. It was copyrighted in 1968 by Sherbourne Press.
Under the heading "Some Modern Prophets" chapter
thirteen tells of two women and their visions of a great teacher
that would appear on the scene during the latter part of the
twentieth century. The uncanny thing about their visions is that
they both name the great teacher. Jean Dixon states that Joseph
would come to full flower (power) in 1999. Sophia Williams had
her vision in 1951, while Jean Dixon received her vision on
February 5,1962.
Toll-Free Bridge to God